Thank you for this.
It pairs well with my own experience and also what I see in clinic. In Chinese Medicine, this is more of a damp/blood deficient with inflammation (toxic heat). Digestion is often the first domino that falls and it leads to a deficiency of nutrition along with other imbalances. I had a couple of early experiences with antibiotics that led to food sensitivities and intolerances that moved into other imbalances. So, I have to pay close attention to digestion but can't supplment with things that are hard to digest. I do think vit C is important along with quercetin and bromelain, turmeric and digestive enzymes and anti-inflammatory herbs. Digestive oil on the gut warms up the whole system...ginger etc.... Ginger in general is great. Acupuncture has helped tremendously. I am holding steady but still can't tolerate cold plunges and may end up adding a natural thyroid glandular soon. I like Standard Process and Natural Sources.